Example: Use of AMRC (Adaptative MRC) for Online Learning

Example of using AMRC with dataset usenet2. We load the dataset, train the AMRC model one instance at a time and predict the next instance in each time instant.

AMRC diagram

From left to right in the diagram above we can check what happens in every time moment. We have the optimization parameter from the previous time moment \(\mu_{t-1}\) and the learning parameters from the previous time moment \(\hat{\tau}_{t-1}, \lambda_{t-1}\). Using those parameters corresponding to time \(t-1\) the algorithm obtains the performance guarantee \(R(\mathcal{U}_{t-1})\). When receiving the next instance \(x_{t-1}\) the algorithm predicts its label \(\hat{y}_{t-1}\). Then, it receives the actual label \(y_{t-1}\) and it updates the model using it and therefore obtaining the new parameters for the next time instant: optimization parameter \(\mu_t\) and learning parameters \(\hat{\tau}_{t}, \lambda_{t}\).

In this example we fit an AMRC model sample by sample, obtaining the upper bounds of the error in every time instant, the accumulated mistakes per time, and the upper bound for the accumulated mistakes per time. We do this for both the deterministic and the probabilistic settings. In the first one, we always predict the label with greater probability and in the second we predict a label with probabilities determined by the model. Note that the upper bound for the accumulated mistakes per time is the same for both settings.

You can check more technical details of the documentation class amrc.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

from MRCpy import AMRC
from MRCpy.datasets import load_usenet2

# Import data
X, Y = load_usenet2()

# Normalize data
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
X = scaler.fit_transform(X)

# Number of classes
n_classes = len(np.unique(Y))

# Length of the instance vectors
n, d = X.shape

Y_pred = np.zeros(n - 1)
Y_pred_det = np.zeros(n - 1)
U_det = np.zeros(n - 1)
U_nondet = np.zeros(n - 1)

accumulated_mistakes_per_time_det = np.zeros(n - 1)
accumulated_mistakes_per_time_nondet = np.zeros(n - 1)

bound_accumulated_mistakes_per_time = np.zeros(n - 1)

columns = ['feature_mapping', 'deterministic error', 'non deterministic error']
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)

for feature_mapping in ['linear', 'fourier']:

    # Probabilistic Predictions

    clf = AMRC(n_classes=2, phi=feature_mapping, deterministic=False, random_state=42)

    mistakes = 0
    mistakes_det = 0
    sum_of_U = 0
    for i in range(n - 1):
        # Train the model with the instance x_t
        clf.fit(X[i, :], Y[i])
        # We get the upper bound
        U_nondet[i] = clf.get_upper_bound()

        # Use the model at this stage to predict the instance x_{t+1}
        Y_pred[i] = clf.predict(X[i + 1, :])

        # We calculate accumulated mistakes per time
        if Y_pred[i] != Y[i + 1]:
            mistakes += 1
        accumulated_mistakes_per_time_nondet[i] = mistakes / (i + 1)

        # We calculate the upper bound for accumulated mistakes per time
        sum_of_U += U_nondet[i]
        bound_accumulated_mistakes_per_time[i] = clf.get_upper_bound_accumulated()

        # Deterministic classification
        clf.deterministic = True

        # Use the model at this stage to predict the instance x_{t+1}
        Y_pred_det[i] = clf.predict(X[i + 1, :])

        # We calculate accumulated mistakes for deterministic classification
        if Y_pred_det[i] != Y[i + 1]:
            mistakes_det += 1
        accumulated_mistakes_per_time_det[i] = mistakes_det / (i + 1)

        # end of deterministic classification
        clf.deterministic = False

    error_nondet = np.average(Y[1:] != Y_pred)
    error_det = np.average(Y[1:] != Y_pred)

    new_row = {'feature mapping': feature_mapping,
               'deterministic error': "%1.3g" % error_det,
               'non deterministic error': "%1.3g" % error_nondet}
    df.loc[len(df)] = new_row

    plt.legend(['Deterministic Prediction', 'Probabilistic Prediction'])
    plt.xlabel('Instances (Time)')
    plt.title('Instantaneous bounds for error probabilities. ' +
              'Feature mapping: ' + feature_mapping)

    plt.legend(['Deterministic Accumulated Mistakes Per Time',
                'Probabilistic Accumulated Mistakes Per Time',
                'Bound Accumulated Mistakes Per Time'
    plt.xlabel('Instances (Time)')
    plt.title('Accumulated Mistakes Per Time. ' +
              'Feature mapping: ' + feature_mapping)
  • Instantaneous bounds for error probabilities. Feature mapping: linear
  • Accumulated Mistakes Per Time. Feature mapping: linear
  • Instantaneous bounds for error probabilities. Feature mapping: fourier
  • Accumulated Mistakes Per Time. Feature mapping: fourier
df.style.set_caption('AMRC Results')
AMRC Results
  feature_mapping deterministic error non deterministic error
0 nan 0.31 0.31
1 nan 0.372 0.372

Total running time of the script: ( 32 minutes 5.313 seconds)

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