Source code for MRCpy.base_mrc

Super class for Minimax Risk Classifiers. Copyright (C) 2021 Kartheek Bondugula

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GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

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import cvxpy as cvx
import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin
from sklearn.utils import check_array, check_X_y
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

# Import the feature mapping
from MRCpy.phi import \
    BasePhi, \
    RandomFourierPhi, \
    RandomReLUPhi, \

[docs]class BaseMRC(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin): ''' Base class for different minimax risk classifiers This class is a parent class for different MRCs implemented in the library. It defines the different parameters and the layout. .. seealso:: For more information about MRC, one can refer to the following resources: [1] `Mazuelas, S., Zanoni, A., & Pérez, A. (2020). Minimax Classification with 0-1 Loss and Performance Guarantees. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 33, 302-312. <>`_ [2] `Mazuelas, S., Shen, Y., & Pérez, A. (2020). Generalized Maximum Entropy for Supervised Classification. arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.05447. <>`_ [3] `Bondugula, K., Mazuelas, S., & Pérez, A. (2021). MRCpy: A Library for Minimax Risk Classifiers. arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.01952. <>`_ Parameters ---------- loss : `str`, default = '0-1' Type of loss function to use for the risk minimization. The options are 0-1 loss and logaritmic loss. '0-1' 0-1 loss quantifies the probability of classification error at a certain example for a certain rule. 'log' Log-loss quantifies the minus log-likelihood at a certain example for a certain rule. s : `float`, default = `0.3` Parameter that tunes the estimation of expected values of feature mapping function. It is used to calculate :math:`\lambda` (variance in the mean estimates for the expectations of the feature mappings) in the following way .. math:: \\lambda = s * \\text{std}(\\phi(X,Y)) / \\sqrt{\\left| X \\right|} where (X,Y) is the dataset of training samples and their labels respectively and :math:`\\text{std}(\\phi(X,Y))` stands for standard deviation of :math:`\\phi(X,Y)` in the supervised dataset (X,Y). deterministic : `bool`, default = `True` Whether the prediction of the labels should be done in a deterministic way (given a fixed `random_state` in the case of using random Fourier or random ReLU features). random_state : `int`, RandomState instance, default = `None` Random seed used when 'fourier' and 'relu' options for feature mappings are used to produce the random weights. fit_intercept : `bool`, default = `True` Whether to calculate the intercept for MRCs If set to false, no intercept will be used in calculations (i.e. data is expected to be already centered). phi : `str` or `BasePhi` instance, default = 'linear' Type of feature mapping function to use for mapping the input data. The currenlty available feature mapping methods are 'fourier', 'relu', 'threshold' and 'linear'. The users can also implement their own feature mapping object (should be a `BasePhi` instance) and pass it to this argument. Note that when using 'fourier' or 'relu' feature mappings, training and testing instances are expected to be normalized. To implement a feature mapping, please go through the :ref:`Feature Mapping` section. 'linear' It uses the identity feature map referred to as Linear feature map. See class `BasePhi`. 'fourier' It uses Random Fourier Feature map. See class `RandomFourierPhi`. 'relu' It uses Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) features. See class `RandomReLUPhi`. 'threshold' It uses Feature mappings obtained using a threshold. See class `ThresholdPhi`. **phi_kwargs : Additional parameters for feature mappings. Groups the multiple optional parameters for the corresponding feature mappings (`phi`). For example in case of fourier features, the number of features is given by `n_components` parameter which can be passed as argument - `MRC(loss='log', phi='fourier', n_components=500)` The list of arguments for each feature mappings class can be found in the corresponding documentation. Attributes ---------- is_fitted_ : `bool` Whether the classifier is fitted i.e., the parameters are learnt. tau_ : `array`-like of shape (`n_features`) Mean estimates for the expectations of feature mappings. lambda_ : `array`-like of shape (`n_features`) Variance in the mean estimates for the expectations of the feature mappings. classes_ : `array`-like of shape (`n_classes`) Labels in the given dataset. If the labels Y are not given during fit i.e., tau and lambda are given as input, then this array is None. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, loss='0-1', s=0.3, deterministic=True, random_state=None, fit_intercept=True, phi='linear', **phi_kwargs): self.loss = loss self.s = s self.deterministic = deterministic self.random_state = random_state self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept # Feature mapping and its parameters self.phi = phi self.phi_kwargs = phi_kwargs # Solver list for cvxpy self.cvx_solvers = ['GUROBI', 'SCS', 'ECOS']
[docs] def fit(self, X, Y, X_=None): ''' Fit the MRC model. Computes the parameters required for the minimax risk optimization and then calls the `minimax_risk` function to solve the optimization. Parameters ---------- X : `array`-like of shape (`n_samples`, `n_dimensions`) Training instances used in - Calculating the expectation estimates that constrain the uncertainty set for the minimax risk classification - Solving the minimax risk optimization problem. `n_samples` is the number of training samples and `n_dimensions` is the number of features. Y : `array`-like of shape (`n_samples`, 1), default = `None` Labels corresponding to the training instances used only to compute the expectation estimates. X_ : array-like of shape (`n_samples2`, `n_dimensions`), default = None These instances are optional and when given, will be used in the minimax risk optimization. These extra instances are generally a smaller set and give an advantage in training time. Returns ------- self : Fitted estimator ''' X, Y = check_X_y(X, Y, accept_sparse=True) # Obtaining the number of classes and mapping the labels to integers origY = Y self.classes_ = np.unique(origY) n_classes = len(self.classes_) Y = np.zeros(origY.shape[0], dtype=int) # Map the values of Y from 0 to n_classes-1 for i, y in enumerate(self.classes_): Y[origY == y] = i # Feature mappings if self.phi == 'fourier': self.phi = RandomFourierPhi(n_classes=n_classes, fit_intercept=self.fit_intercept, random_state=self.random_state, **self.phi_kwargs) elif self.phi == 'linear': self.phi = BasePhi(n_classes=n_classes, fit_intercept=self.fit_intercept, **self.phi_kwargs) elif self.phi == 'threshold': self.phi = ThresholdPhi(n_classes=n_classes, fit_intercept=self.fit_intercept, **self.phi_kwargs) elif self.phi == 'relu': self.phi = RandomReLUPhi(n_classes=n_classes, fit_intercept=self.fit_intercept, random_state=self.random_state, **self.phi_kwargs) elif not isinstance(self.phi, BasePhi): raise ValueError('Unexpected feature mapping type ... ') # Fit the feature mappings, Y) # Compute the expectation estimates tau_ = self.compute_tau(X, Y) lambda_ = self.compute_lambda(X, Y) # Limit the number of training samples used in the optimization # for large datasets # Reduces the training time and use of memory n_max = 5000 # Check if separate instances are given for the optimization if X_ is not None: X_opt = check_array(X_.copy(), accept_sparse=True) elif X.shape[0] < n_max: X_opt = check_array(X.copy(), accept_sparse=True) else: # Use some of the training samples # for the optimization. n_per_class = int(n_max / n_classes) X_opt = X[:3, :] for i in range(n_classes): X_class = X[Y == i, :] X_opt = np.vstack((X_class[:n_per_class, :], X_opt)) # Shuffle the instances np.random.seed(self.random_state) np.random.shuffle(X_opt) # Fit the MRC classifier self.minimax_risk(X_opt, tau_, lambda_, n_classes) return self
[docs] def compute_phi(self, X): ''' Compute the feature mapping corresponding to instances given for learning the classifiers (in case of training) and prediction (in case of testing). Parameters ---------- X : `array`-like of shape (`n_samples`, `n_dimensions`) Instances to be converted to features. ''' return self.phi.eval_x(X)
[docs] def compute_tau(self, X, Y): ''' Compute mean estimate tau using the given training instances. Parameters ---------- X : `array`-like of shape (`n_samples`, `n_dimensions`) Training instances used for solving the minimax risk optimization problem. Y : `array`-like of shape (`n_samples`, 1), default = `None` Labels corresponding to the training instances used only to compute the expectation estimates. ''' return self.phi.est_exp(X, Y)
[docs] def compute_lambda(self, X, Y): ''' Compute deviation in the mean estimate tau using the given training instances. Parameters ---------- X : `array`-like of shape (`n_samples`, `n_dimensions`) Training instances used for solving the minimax risk optimization problem. Y : `array`-like of shape (`n_samples`, 1), default = `None` Labels corresponding to the training instances used only to compute the expectation estimates. ''' return (self.s * self.phi.est_std(X, Y)) / np.sqrt(X.shape[0])
[docs] def minimax_risk(self, X, tau_, lambda_, n_classes): ''' Abstract function for sub-classes implementing the different MRCs. Solves the minimax risk optimization problem for the corresponding variant of MRC. Parameters ---------- X : `array`-like of shape (`n_samples`, `n_dimensions`) Training instances used for solving the minimax risk optimization problem. tau_ : `array`-like of shape (`n_features` * `n_classes`) Mean estimates for the expectations of feature mappings. lambda_ : `array`-like of shape (`n_features` * `n_classes`) Variance in the mean estimates for the expectations of the feature mappings. n_classes : `int` Number of labels in the dataset. Returns ------- self : Fitted estimator ''' # Variants of MRCs inheriting from this class should # extend this function to implement the solution to their # minimax risk optimization problem. raise NotImplementedError('BaseMRC is not an implemented classifier.' + ' It is base class for different MRCs.' + ' This functions needs to be implemented' + ' by a sub-class implementing a MRC.')
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): ''' Abstract function for sub-classes implementing the different MRCs. Computes conditional probabilities corresponding to each class for the given unlabeled instances. Parameters ---------- X : `array`-like of shape (`n_samples`, `n_dimensions`) Testing instances for which the prediction probabilities are calculated for each class. Returns ------- hy_x : `array`-like of shape (`n_samples`, `n_classes`) Conditional probabilities (:math:`p(y|x)`) corresponding to each class. ''' # Variants of MRCs inheriting from this class # implement this function to compute the conditional # probabilities using the classifier obtained from minimax risk raise NotImplementedError('BaseMRC is not an implemented classifier.' + ' It is base class for different MRCs.' + ' This functions needs to be implemented' + ' by a sub-class implementing a MRC.')
[docs] def predict(self, X): ''' Predicts classes for new instances using a fitted model. Returns the predicted classes for the given instances in `X` using the probabilities given by the function `predict_proba`. Parameters ---------- X : `array`-like of shape (`n_samples`, `n_dimensions`) Test instances for which the labels are to be predicted by the MRC model. Returns ------- y_pred : `array`-like of shape (`n_samples`) Predicted labels corresponding to the given instances. ''' X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=True) check_is_fitted(self, "is_fitted_") # Get the prediction probabilities for the classifier proba = self.predict_proba(X) if self.deterministic: y_pred = np.argmax(proba, axis=1) else: np.random.seed(self.random_state) y_pred = [np.random.choice(self.n_classes, size=1, p=pc)[0] for pc in proba] # Check if the labels were provided for fitting # (labels might be omitted if fitting is done through minimax_risk) # Otherwise return the default labels i.e., from 0 to n_classes-1. if hasattr(self, 'classes_'): y_pred = np.asarray([self.classes_[label] for label in y_pred]) return y_pred
[docs] def error(self, X, Y): ''' Return the mean error obtained for the given test data and labels. Parameters ---------- X : `array`-like of shape (`n_samples`, `n_dimensions`) Test instances for which the labels are to be predicted by the MRC model. Y : `array`-like of shape (`n_samples`, 1), default = `None` Labels corresponding to the testing instances used to compute the error in the prediction. Returns ------- error : float Mean error of the learned MRC classifier ''' X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=True) check_is_fitted(self, "is_fitted_") Y_pred = self.predict(X) error = np.average(Y_pred != Y) return error